Friday, January 30, 2009

Change of Plans

We had a babysitter lined up (which is very unusual) tonight so we could go on a date. We were planning on meeting my parents at a movie.

Just as we were about to leave, a friend called and asked if we wanted to go to the Jazz game. I called my mom and asked her if they would feel bad if we ditched them for the game. She laughed and said, "Perfect timing. Your dad just said he would rather stay home and not go anywhere tonight." I quickly called my friend back & told her we could make it.

We had a great time & the Jazz won!

My friend "C" works for a radio station & hooks us up. We were in a suite with lots of food.

"S" and "C" Aren't they cute!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Hey lady!! Hope you are doing great!!