Tuesday, March 11, 2008


We just got a call from the hospital and they've bumped our delivery until tomorrow. Now HeRoos is unloading all the things from the car that we just loaded an hour ago. One more day of waiting...


Alicia said...

I feel your pain. I almost got sent home from the hospital here as it was the busiest day they had ever seen. I think they ran out of beds even. Hooray for the broken arm and for my doctor! She told them I simply had to have that baby so I could have surgery on my arm...which was a complete lie!

Jamie said...

I swear last time I was in town you were getting hitched, then today a note pops up in my inbox saying you've left a comment on my stealth blog I hadn't told a soul about, so of course I follow the link to your blog to see what is up - first thing I see is you are having a baby and not in a few months or anything but NOW. CONGRATS!!!!! You are going to be the most amazing mom.

nymanzanita said...

That is okay... we didnt like the date 3/11/08 anyway...right? Max will like 3/12/08 much better!

nymanzanita said...

Hang in there SheRoos... little Max will be here before you know it.

Lifes Great Adventures said...

Good luck with having little Max tommorow! That is so exciting.

KT said...

That is a bummer!! But he'll get here. And actually March 12th is personal to me so I'll never forget BabyRoos' birthday :)Make sure Rick posts the big announcement as soon as possible for a new dad. Can't wait!!!