Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cat Faced Spider

My husband and I are very different in many ways which is probably why we like each other so much. This is a perfect illustration of how different we are.

I like spiders. I find them fascinating. I like to watch them make webs and catch food. As a little girl, I was even bit by one and had to go to the doctor and have it lanced. It didn't make me like them any less.

HeRoos on the other hand has never had a bad experience with spiders. He just doesn't like them (and I think he's scared of them). If he sees a spider in the house, he asks me to take care of it (whimp!). He doesn't even like talking about spiders.

There has been a spider making quite the palace/big web at the very top of the front entrance of the outside of our home (that didn't make sense, did it?). The spider seemed to be getting bigger every day and I definitely didn't want it having babies or biting someone who was coming to visit us. It was really bothering HeRoos so I took out the water hose and tried spraying it down. My plan was to keep it alive until I could identify if it was poisonous or not. If it was safe, it would be freed to a different area. That spider was resilient and stayed put. Since it was such a fighter, I decided to leave it alone.

HeRoos wasn't satisfied with my attempts and sprayed it with bug killer. I went out to find it curled up and dead. I put it in a jar and after much research found out that it was a cat face spider. They are not threatening to humans and they eat large insects. After finding out how harmless and helpful this kind of spider is, I felt really bad about its' death.

If you see a spider that looks like this, you may want to let it be.

I found this great picture on the internet.


Kristanne said...

most of my kids love spiders. I don't mind them. Makae doesn't like them. I tend to let most of them live. We have had a few black widows in our window wells, and they didn't get to stay alive very long.

Anonymous said...

I'm with your husband on this one...ewww. :-)

Clinton Painter said...

Jennie--The only good spider is a dead spider.

Anonymous said...

That's my girl! I also find spiders fascinating and admirable.It's good to know that they provide a necessary service in getting rid of undesirable insects. That photo was awesome in detail. (That would have made a wonderful Halloween decoration!)It's just like alot of other things in life. We don't know the good from the bad before it's too late. xxoo G.R.

Lifes Great Adventures said...

We found a spider like that to but I never could figure out what kind it was. It almost has a shell right? I don't like spiders, but really hate Black Widows and we have the pleasure of having them:) All other spiders don't seem as bad after seeing black widows- & don't scare me as much anymore.

The Leo said...

That spider looks way scary. I'm like Rick, I will ask my seven year old nephew to kill a spider before I approach it. It's kind of embarrassing at this point, but I would still rather be embarrassed than get near a spider, especially one that looks like that!

Grandma Beaner said...

I like spiders, too. What's the big deal?

Gardner's Garden said...

I ended up in the doctor's office this summer from two bites. Since then we have been a little more leery. Alan smashed one in the garage, right by the door to the house, and did internet research. He has posted a picture right next to the remains. He is pretty sure it was a brown recluse.

Lisa & Aukuso said...

No freakin way! I don't care if spiders are helpful...they are creepy! There is a REASON they are a Halloween decoration and not an Easter decoration...gross gross gross...just that pic on your blog freaked me out!

Vicki said...

I've been watching my Cat-Faced Spider all summer as she got bigger and bigger. She's now about the size of a nickel. The snow arrived last night and she is curled up in the corner of my roof deck. She is quite the looker. (Psst: my husband would kill her in a minute but I protect her). I remember Charlotte!

Unknown said...

We had one a few years ago that had built a web between 2 of our tiger lilies. Every night my boys insisted we check on her. We haven't seen another since, but we look every fall. I find them fascinating. unless a spider is poisonous (we have widows and hobos here)I would just as soon let it live and eat the bad bugs. Same with the snakes. Haven't seen many mice around here (we live in farm country) and that makes me very happy.