HeRoos and BM have some kind of agreement- I call it the "Poop Pact." BM seems to conveniently have these blow outs when his dad is not home. Let's take today for example. HeRoos worked from home so he was around all day and then we ran errands together this evening. Nothing too messy from BM. That is until HeRoos dropped us off at home to run a couple more errands.
PPPPeeeee EEEEEEEEEwwww BM let loose right before bed and guess who was left to clean him up- not his dad! I was tempted to keep him up past his bedtime, sitting in his stinky diaper until HeRoos arrived home but then my conscience kicked in.
I can't stay upset for too long, just check out how innocent they look (these photos are from the vacation we took in September)...

I totally know what you are talking about Adi does the same thing with the poopy diapers, and she does it with crying tantrums and gets calm when Spencer comes home.Then I look like I exagerrate:)
LOL! I had Bill read this and he wants to know where he signs up for the poop pact. He's changed his share of blowouts.
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