Sunday, November 9, 2008


There is something about making the bed with my hubby that I thoroughly enjoy. It's probably a one sided pleasure but it seems like we're united in a cause.


As we were rotating the mattress today and putting on clean sheets our conversation went something like this...

SheRoos: Do you remember when we were dating and I was appalled that you only washed your sheets once every six months?

HeRoos: Yea, and I was exaggerating. It's was more like once every two years. I just didn't want to gross you out.

SheRoos: EEeeewww

Disclaimer: Besides this one disgusting bachelor quality, he is extremely hygienically sound and washes thoroughly and regularly. :)

As we continued putting the pillows in the cases (which HeRoos despises) he said: I don't think a bed needs to be made if you're going to sleep in it within 24 hours.


Greg and Torrey said...

seriously guys are so dirty they should sleep on rubber sheets. cute story. i love your love.

Lifes Great Adventures said...

Too funny! It made us laugh:)

Mama Bean said...

Hey mam!! It has been a long time. Your babe is so cute!!