It doesn't happen often but when it does, watch out! Some people say redheads have tempers. I've never really felt like this was true of me but for some reason I'm feeling a streak of impatience and grumpiness.
We were at Wal mart and there were people with their TWO carts pulled to the side of a busy aisle blocking traffic. As they were talking oblivious to the situation, I politely said, "Excuse me, there is a traffic jam." Did they move or care? NO. That's when I felt the frustration.
HeRoos just asked, "Are you really going to publish this?"
Another time I felt this way was when I was driving in a residential neighborhood and someone rode my bumper the entire way. Ooh, it ticked me off. She eventually revved her engine and went speeding around me. I think she may have been high or had some serious issues. Guess what I did. Yep, I got the license plate number and reported it. Hello?! There are kids walking!
I think it's a good sign that I can recognize this glitch in the system because that means I'm not calloused to grumpiness, right?
Well, don't you worry friends and dear husband because tomorrow I will wake up on the right side of the bed and guard my bowl of cheerios as I think of ways to spread holiday cheer.
My loving husband who knows just how to handle me said, "You should probably go to bed early." I can't help but laugh-The things I hated when I was younger are now cherished. You bet I'll go to bed early, take a bath, or even take a nap. Sign me up, quick!
I tend to become a different person at Wal-mart, not a nice one! So I understand what your saying about the traffic jam situation there. I would love a nap or some sleep- that sounds really nice! Our sweet baby & building the house doesn't alway me much of that anymore:( Its amazing how much sleep really does help a person stay sane:)
Walmart tends to bring out the worst in all of us, so don't worry! As a fellow red-head I MAY understand your perspective, but I choose to take a different spin on it. Since I have become a mother I have become infected with "Momma bear syndrome" it basically plays out like this: the world is full of crazy, rude, annoying and clueless people. We just notice it now because we feel the need to protect our cubs!! Just a theory.(:
You are so right. It's ok to get bugged once in a while and good that you recognize it! Sleep is key.
Hey email me so we I can ask you about granite tiles and where you shopped for them. tristiemangus@hotmail.com
so fun to see you and your mom at the shower saturday!
I, for one, am highly entertained by grump-o-pottamus SheRoos. Bring it on!
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