Sunday, October 5, 2008
BM has had many firsts these last few weeks. First cab ride (annoying crazy driver), first boat ride (very wet), first New York City subway ride (very very dirty), and many more mostly pleasant firsts. But today he had some not so fun firsts. Today was his first trip to the emergency room visit, his first x-rays, his first bloody nose, and his first broken nose. I was walking down the stairs with BM in one arm while talking to SheRoos with my cell phone when I slipped and my feet fell out from under me. BM slipped out of my hands and we both went tumbling down the stairs with BM taking a nasty hit at the bottom. BM will be ok and thank goodness the x-rays came out negative for any fractures. Before becoming a first time parent I didn’t truly realized how much I would love my child and how much terror I would have at the thought of him being seriously hurt. The doctor said he will swell up in and around his nose the next few days but should be fine.

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So thankful B.M. and you are ok. I am so sorry little B.m. had to experience such a roll down the stairs. Of course we were very scared and sad. It's amazing how much you can love a child and grandchildren considering the short time they have been here.. Sending lots of love and kisses to B.M.. We wish him a very speedy recovery. Love, G.R. and G.B.
How scary! I'm so glad both of you are okay.
Awww! Poor little BM looks so sad. I'm so sorry! I am the clutziest person alive, so more often than not I find myself saying a prayer as I am going downstairs with Littlefoot (now 7 weeks old) that I don't trip and kill us both!
I'm so sorry guys. Hopefully you can cram all this stressful stuff into a one month period and get it all over with. That means it's almost done right? I hope you guys feel better soon. Love and hugs from Herriman!
Wow, that nose looks really sore! I think it was a great call on HeRoos part to err on the side of caution and take BM to the ER, looking like that, even I would have taken my kid in!
Oh! i am SO behind on your blog! First, SO SO SAD about the boys falling! I am so sorry! That makes me sick to think that your baby got that hurt. Can't wait to hear about your east coast trip and see your new house. EXCITING! Sounds like your neighborhood is going to ROCK! I am so happy for you. That will be so fun.
Joys of parenting. I hear you never know what to expect.
awww.... give BM a squeeze from us. Glad you two are okay.
OHH!!! That is scary but I am glad you both are okay!!!!! I miss you guys so much!!!!!!!!
I remember when Connor or Christian (can't remember which one though) fell straight out of his crib right on his head. That was a great parenting moment. Spencer decided he needed to do it too (he has to do everything his big brothers do) and when he was old enough to scare me to death..he chose to do it to..Yes, he chose to do it...I put him in his crib for time out and he decided he was not staying in there...Nice hard wood floor taught him that next time time out is better than a powerful headache. Our kids make us better people, right? I hope your little guy gets better soon. Now he can say, "been there, done that" onto something new (and safer!)
Scary, I am so glad you guys are ok! Me and the stairs aren't friends- I have fallen down twice this pregnancy and a dozen other times before I was pregnant. It is so scary when its your little one though- I wasn't worried about myself when I fell- I was just worried about the baby- so I can imagine how scary it was for you guys! Take care and remember stay away from stairs- they are the devil :)!!
Poor sweet BM... poor Daddy!! I am glad you are both doing OK. Remember he won't remember, if only Dad could be so lucky!
Ohh, poor guy. he is adorable even with a swollen nose. Also, fabulous family photo. Your photographer is talented, of course it helps to have beautiful subjects. I love your hair dark like that, you are such a babe.
give BM a big hug...
so sad...and terrifying! Glad he is on the mend. Hope HeRoos is too! So scary.
So sorry about the fall. Not one of us is invincible. Hope little BM heals quickly. Hey I hear you're in my old neighborhood where all the trees slant towards the west due to the canyon winds. It's beautiful there. That's where Dax got his start. It was a fun year and a half. Love you.
OUCH! So sorry to hear about that! I hope he feels better soon!
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