The only requests she had was for her eye brows to be plucked and the fridge stocked with Diet Coke. What a deal!

She has rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and she is older than I am and has twice the energy. She really is Grandma Go-Go. Maybe, her secret is Diet Coke?
Do you rent your mom out? How much does she charge and does she do bathroom paint jobs?
Make sure she knows I can't do eyebrows or nails.
he he! She is so funny! I love you guys!! I love her pj's too! Where did she get them? jk Lol I love yours too!! Looks good!
Your mom is wonder woman! I have observed that she is always so fun, positive, and ready to serve. I think you should bring her to NY with you next time you visit.....I'll get plenty of Diet Coke and we can take her to have her eyebrows threaded like you did. Sound good?
Her secret is NOT DIET COKE! However I haven't exactly figured out what is is yet.....
We have the best parents I swear! I love your mom she is such a fun, sweet lady, but her daughter-(you) is the same way!
What some folks won't do for a good tweeze!
so sweet. you are right about her being the nicest. send her my way...I have plenty of work for her. i even pluck upper lip and chin.
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