MB is one special Birthday Boy. He is very curious and determined. Planes, trains & automobiles of any kind are his latest interest.
We kicked off his birthday weekend by meeting GG and Pops at HAFB Museum.

Of course the birthday boy needed some airplanes from the gift shop to remember his special day.

Pops went back to work and GG treated us to lunch at McDonald's.

ZoZo keeping a close eye on her brother as she chews away.

On Sunday in nursery, MB got all sorts of attention with a birthday song and treats. He was gearing up for his birthday bash. It was a great birthday. Both sets of grandparents were able to attend and some cousins & friends. He loved the attention and we let him get away with just about anything- he didn't get any time outs.
At the last minute, I decided to make an airplane cake. It was a lot of fun to try out a marshmellow fondant and get creative with snacks from the cupbooard.

GG provided glider airplanes for the kids. They were a hit and I'm still finding them all over the house.

My sister in law, Mel.

MB's biggest fan, his sister ZoZo.

MB loves his cousin Will. Will is so nice to MB and plays with him. Mr. Boy lights up when Will is around.

Cake time.

Awesome presents.

Train from his mommy & daddy. He also got his traditional birthday gifts- a book 'Where the Wild Things Are.' and a piggy bank to go with his party theme- an airplane (he broke his Monkey bank from last year).

This card is a treasure. MB's cousin, Jack, told his dad exactly what to write. Then his dad handed it over to Jack to sign and draw a picture. Jack didn't like the way his dad spelled birthday so he erased it and made a change. Too cute! I guess that's what happens when teeth are missing- the "f" and "th" are very tricky.

MB and his buddy enjoying thier potatoes and cupcakes outside.

MB got stuck in the chair and it was so funny watching him try to get out.

We LOVE this silly little guy and we're so glad he's part of the family. It seems like I've known him my whole life- I can't remember life without him. I hope he has a wonderful 2nd year!