BUT there is hope...
Mr. Boy starts preschool next week!
Some Mothers cry when their kids go to school. Not me. You might find me celebrating by doing back flips. It's not that I don't absolutely love my kids (even when they're being rotten). I just think there comes times in our lives when change is good. I really hope that this change will be an answer to a desperate mother & father's prayer for help.
Look at these two angels. How can they be any trouble at all? All they wanted was a snack before bed time. And their request? Cucumbers, mushrooms, corn, tomatoes, peppers and bananas. If the old saying is true, "You are what you eat," then I think we should be eating more sweets instead. ;)
Sighhhh. Oh joy to the ups, downs, and all-arounds of parenting. Good night.
I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by, he just gets more and more adorable
Pre-school! My how time flies. The truth is that time is running away from us even when we feel that nothing changes. I can't believe my own children are now 26 and 29 years old. When they were little I loved being with them and I loved my precious time away from them. And I was shocked when I found out my own mother changed my birth certificate to reflect an earlier birthday so I could get in scholl a year earlier!
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